
How to Install Clipdraw on Your Firearm

If you’re considering purchasing a Clipdraw holsterless concealed carry clip for your firearm, you may be wondering how difficult it is to install it. The truth is, no matter what you carry, it’s simple and quick to install Clipdraw.

The method of install, however, is different depending on the pistol you intend to attach it to. There are two main types of installations for the Clipdraw – a Pin installation and a Slide Cover Plate installation.

A reminder to all of our customers, no matter the type of firearm you’re adding the Clipdraw concealed carry clip to. Please be sure to practice all safety measures when handling and working with your firearm. Guns should not be loaded and chambers should be cleared before you begin the installation process. Follow any other manufacturer’s safety guidelines as you add the holsterless clip to your pistol.

How to install clipdraw on your firearm

Pin Install of the Clipdraw

The first is a Pin install for pistols like the Ruger, including the LCP, the LCP2, the LC9, and the LC9S/EC9S. These installation instructions also apply to the Smith and Wesson Bodyguard .380. The instructions for the installation of the clip on these guns is fairly straightforward.

As previously stated, please make sure your weapon is unloaded and clear before beginning the installation process, and practice safe firearm handling throughout the installation.

1: At the back of the firearm, above the grip, locate the rear frame pin

2: Using a punch and a mallet, carefully remove the rear frame pin

3: One removed, from the left side of the frame, place the internally threaded pin into the rear frame pin hole

4: Once the internally threaded pin is in place, attach the Clipdraw on the right side of the firearm with the provided screw and tighten

Note: The screw hole in the Clipdraw is slightly offset from the frame pin. This is to provide a firm attachment of the clip to the weapon.

Slide Cover Plate Install of the Clipdraw

The second type of install is for various models of Glock with a standard frame. This includes the Glock 9MM, .40, .357, 10MM, .45, the Glock 42, and the Glock 43, 43X, and the 48. This installation process also works on a number of other slide plate style guns as well, including the Smith & Wesson Shield, the Smith & Wesson M&P, the Springfield XDS, and the Springfield XD, XDM, and XD SubCompact.

While slightly more complicated than the pin installation, the addition of a Clipdraw to a slide cover plate firearm is also simple.

As previously stated, please make sure your weapon is unloaded and clear before beginning the installation process, and practice safe firearm handling throughout the installation.

1: Following the instructions in your owner’s manual, remove the slide from the frame.

2: Next, separate the parrel and the recoil spring assembly from the slide.

3: Once those are separated and with the muzzle down on a flat surface, hold the slide open

4: Push the black plastic spacer sleeve down toward the muzzle using a pin punch or a small screwdriver

5: With the tension relieved, use your thumb to remove the slide cover plate.

6: Keep your thumb over the opening exposed when the slide cover plate is removed. This process exposes spring-loaded components and you’ll want to keep them in place as you complete the installation.

7: Install the new slide cover plate and mount the Clipdraw on either side of the slide with the screws and washers provided.

The Clipdraw is easy to install for both pin and slide cover plate styles of firearms. By taking a few safety precautions and following these instructions, you’ll have your weapon ready for holsterless concealed carry in no time.

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